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Posted by: OFT Food Safety & Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a Listeria infection, you should talk with a lawyer. A good lawyer can assess what food product caused your illness; collect the necessary evidence to prove your case; and help you as you deal with medical bills and insurance.

Many people who recently got sick from Boar’s Head deli meats, including liverwurst, are now asking how to find the right lawyer for their Listeria lawsuit against Boar’s Head.

We recommend asking any lawyer you plan on hiring to sue Boar’s Head the following key questions:

How many Listeria cases like mine have you handled?

Experience makes a difference. A lawyer who has a lot of experience with Listeria cases will already understand the science; the food manufacturing business and industry safety standards; and the medicine.  Listeria cases are rare and only a small number of lawyers in the country have extensive experience litigating Listeria cases.

OFT Law partner Brendan Flaherty began his career representing three families impacted by the 2002 Listeria turkey deli meat outbreak – the largest deli meat Listeria outbreak in history. Since then, he and the other lawyers in his firm have handled cases from every major Listeria outbreak, including those caused by Blue Bell Ice Cream; Carmel Apples; Raw Milk; packaged salads; frozen vegetables; multiple types of cheese; Cantaloupe and other fresh fruit; and many others.

Tell me about the results you have achieved in Listeria cases like mine?

Listeria infections cause serious medical complications and often result in death. Your lawyer should know how to handle catastrophic injury cases, and should have a track record of results that include multiple seven-figure recoveries.

Our results are here and include the following:

  •             $4.5 million for Listeria infection leading to neurological issues
  •             $6.4 million for Listeria-induced brain injury
  •             $3.2 million for miscarriage caused by Listeria infection
  •             $3.4 million for a child who contracted Listeria in the womb
  •             $2.5 million for Listeria that colonized a woman’s eye

Have you already brought a case against Boar’s Head?

Many people have been sickened in the Listeria outbreak linked to Boar’s Head deli meats. Hiring a lawyer who already is deeply invested and investigating the outbreak benefits you because the lawyer will have a head start on the litigation; be able to use the information from each case to help the whole group; and have more leverage in negotiations.

OFT Law filed the first case against Boar’s Head and is investigating dozens of other potential cases right now.

What experts do you use to help prove the case and have you worked with them before?

In complex food cases against big companies like Boar’s Head, you will need world-class Listeria experts.  Experienced Listeria lawyers know the best experts and have established relationships with them. Again, having better experts gives you leverage in any negotiation.

OFT Law has worked with some of the best molecular epidemiologists; traditional epidemiologists;  microbiologists, and infectious disease doctors in the world. We know exactly who to call.

Who will be working on my case?

When you trust a lawyer with your Listeria case, you need to know who will actually be doing the work. It sounds simple but experience counts for little if the experienced lawyer isn’t actively working for you.

OFT was founded with a laser focus on foodborne illness cases, so every attorney in the firm has the experience to handle them. This allows us to take a team approach.  Every case has two experienced lawyers assigned and at least one paralegal. You will have their cell numbers and be able to contact them anytime for anything.

How do you plan on getting me fairly compensated for what happened?

Good lawyers have a plan. Your lawyer should be able to outline the steps in the short, medium and long term that will maximize your settlement or verdict. The time it will take to a trial or settlement is very unpredictable and often outside of the lawyer’s control; however, your lawyer can control a great deal about your case.

Your lawyer should tell you when your case will likely be filed; what investigation will be undertaken; when and which experts will be retained; and how your damages will be proved to the jury.

We’re Here to Help You Pursue Your Recovery

OFT Law has handled many Listeria cases and will apply that experience to make a plan and timeline that is right for your case.

A good, experienced Listeria lawyer will have good answers to these and any other questions.

Our lawyers are happy to talk with you or a family member about how we can help anytime.

Remember:  the lawyer you choose does make a difference in your case!

Call 888.828.7087 today or contact us online. We handle food injury cases across the nation, offer 100% free, initial consultations, and there are never any fees unless you recover compensation.

Notable Recoveries

$10 million

Seven infants were sickened after consuming a contaminated food product marketed to infants

$6.5 million

Verdict on behalf of a little boy who contracted a severe Salmonella infection from chicken

$7.55 million

Verdict on behalf of a little girl who contracted E. coli at a petting zoo

$2.25 million

E. coli infections contracted from a major fast food chain

$45 million

An over-the-counter medication caused severe kidney damage to multiple users

$3.4 million

A pregnant woman contracted a Listeria infection from contaminated fruit and passed the infection to her child

$3 million

Multistate Cyclospora outbreaks


A couple contracted Salmonella from a restaurant


A pedestrian was struck by a left-turning car, fracturing her tibia


A semi-truck rear-ended a motorcyclist causing a collapsed lung, rib fractures and road rash